
Jasmine Barksdale-Cobb, FNP

Certified Nurse Practitioner

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Certified Nurse Practitioner

Jasmine Barksdale-Cobb is a CRNP with a passion for helping patients live with chronic pain. She has a goal 
to manage pain in a way that will allow patients to be more functional and allow them to do the things they enjoy.
She not only encourages her patients but motivates them to live and enjoy the life they deserve, Pain free.
Her warm demeanor is known to win the trust of her patients as well as her staff. She works hard to provide
the greatest care for her patients by indentifying each one of her patients unique needs, and providing treatment
according to their diagnoisis and health history.
She continues to strive to encourage her patients that there is a life out there pain-free and it is achievable
and she is here to help them improve their quality of life "Free of pain."